Our God Forgives

Our God gives forgiveness. He gives forgiveness freely and generously and abundantly. He gives it in spades. He’s not bashful about his forgiveness. He’s not conservative about it in any way. It’s over-the-top forgiveness with our God. And we can’t preach it enough.

Our people need to understand deeply that they have been forgiven by their Father. Our churches need to know and comprehend that our God gives and gives and gives. He gives life and breath; he gives you your brown eyes; he gives you your love of ice-cream and the delight you get from songs by Journey. He’s given all of that to you.

And he’s looked carefully at your great debt. He’s studied it in detail. And he’s taken your debt and wiped it completely away. He’s obliterated it. It’s gone.

“You have put all my sins behind your back!” ~Isaiah 38:17

“You will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea!” ~Micah 7:19

“‘I will forgive their wickedness,’ declares the Lord, ‘and will remember their sins no more!'” ~Jeremiah 31:34

“I am he who blots out your transgressions!” ~Isaiah 43:25

“I have swept away your offense like a cloud!” ~Isaiah 44:22

Over and over and over again. He forgives and forgives and forgives. Old Testament and New Testament. The Law and the Apostles. The Prophets and the Epistles. The sins of the Israelites and the sins of the Church. Your sins and mine. God forgives! Our sins are out of sight, out of reach, out of mind, out of existence! Our Father has stopped keeping score on us! The ledger is clean! It’s a blank slate! Hallelujah! Through Christ Jesus our Lord the path is clear to a righteous relationship with our loving Creator. Sin has nothing on us anymore! Praise the God who gives and gives and gives!


Congratulations to Central’s own Collin Bowen who made the cover of the Amarillo Globe-News Pigskin Preview that came out today! Collin is the three-year starting quarterback for the explosive Randall Raiders who open up their season tomorrow night against Plainview. And he represents our Lord and his school with integrity and selfless sacrifice for others both on and off the field. Collin and the Raiders have plenty of time before they tangle with Central’s Blake Borger and the Amarillo Sandies in what should be the game that decides the District 3-4A title on October 25. While we look forward to that, we’ve got plenty to keep us occupied. The Sandies and Rebels renew their rivalry next Friday night; only this time it’ll be the first non-district game ever between the two schools. With Carrie-Anne teaching now at Tascosa, we are certainly a house divided. Panhandle’s Panthers play the first regular season game in the state here in about 30-minutes at Bivins, followed by the Rebels’ opener against Palo Duro’s Dons.

You Central members, please ask Collin to autograph your copy of the Pigskin Preview before or after church Sunday, not during.




  1. jason reeves

    Just found my closer for Sunday evening’s message. Don’t worry, I’ll give you credit.

  2. Allan

    Make it better. And give credit to God!

  3. Rob's Dad

    Is the closer the same as an ender?

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