On the surface, it doesn’t make sense. Preaching? In the ears of the unbelieving world, preaching is silly, a trivial exercise in regurgitating verses from an ancient book or pronouncing religious doctrines and practices for a group of willing listeners. But I believe preaching is a bold act of faith.

“God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe.” ~ 1 Corinthians 1:21

If I didn’t believe God was doing something with these human words I proclaim every Sunday, I wouldn’t do it. Every week, I am counting on our God to put his Word right into the heart and soul of the hearer. Preaching is God’s deal, not mine. I am diligently studying, I am praying and reading and writing and practicing as faithfully as I can. But this is God’s work. I open my mouth in faith, believing that God’s Holy Spirit is directly communicating his Word to the listeners in ways I can’t understand. Through preaching, our God is doing what he wants and accomplishing what is needed. I’m honored to be a conduit, I’m privileged by God to be his instrument. But these are God’s words and God is the one who makes things happen in preaching. All preachers have to believe that or they wouldn’t preach.

It’s also an act of faith for the hearer. The disciple has to believe that God is speaking to him/her through this fallen, broken, flawed, sinful preacher. The church ordains the preacher as an act of faith, asking God to and believing that God will speak to us through the preacher. It’s not Allan, Steve, Ruth, or Darrin speaking; this is God’s will and God’s Word, God’s correction and God’s encouragement, God’s wisdom and God’s character being placed into my heart and soul by God’s Spirit. If we didn’t believe that, why would any of us listen?

“My Word that goes out from my mouth will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” ~ Isaiah 55:11

