“My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the FULL riches of COMPLETE understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden ALL the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” ~Colossians 2:2-3

LegDayMaybe you’ve seen the guy at the gym who looks like an upside down pear. His upper body is strong. He’s concentrating on his arms and his biceps and triceps and lats and pecs — this guy is stacked! He’s good up top. Really good. But he’s got these tiny little shriveled up pencil legs. Little toothpicks. And it makes all of him seem ridiculous. It’s a joke. If he got into a fight with you, all you’d have to do is give him a little shove and he’d topple right over. He’s got no legs. He’s got no core. No symmetry. He’s way out of balance. He’s paying attention to building up part of his body and ignoring other equally important parts.

Theologically, we need balance. We need symmetry in our faith. And I believe that memorizing and reciting the Apostles’ Creed can be a big help with that.

You may have a robust understanding of Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord. He has paid for your sins. He is your Savior. There are some demands that come with following him. He is your Lord. That’s good. You need to believe that and own that. But you also need to know that you belong to the holy, universal Church. You are in a responsible and accountable community of faith. You belong to a communion of saints that’s bigger than just you and God.

Maybe you’re a great admirer of Jesus. You love everything about God’s Son. You memorize his words, you imitate his actions. You love the way he gently reached out to the poor, the way he mercifully healed the sick, the way he boldly ripped the Pharisees. You love all that. And that’s good. But you need to be reminded that Jesus is alive today and reigning at the right hand of God. He’s not on the cross anymore. He’s not alive only in the pages of the Gospels. He is for real reigning on his throne in all power and glory right now today.

Memorizing the creed, saying the creed in your church assemblies and in your small groups and Bible classes and with your family will help keep you balanced.


I’m heading to OKC this afternoon to watch my two super stud nephews dominate the basketball court in a key non-district game for Oklahoma Christian Academy tonight. And then tomorrow I’m speaking at chapel at Oklahoma Christian University. I will not be wearing my old Delta football jersey; but I’ll be thinking about it.

