Passing The Baton

Raising kids, not grass!In his 1984 Hall of Fame induction speech, Harmon Killebrew recounted the days when his father taught his brother and him how to play baseball out in the front yard. One afternoon Killebrew’s mother admonished his dad from the porch, “Y’all are ruining the lawn!” To which his dad replied, “We’re raising kids—not grass!” 

At the Legacy Church of Christ, we’re raising kids—not grass. We’re raising kids—not immaculate buildings and well-oiled programs. We’re raising kids—not perfect worship services and effective curricula.  We’re raising kids.  

We’re passing on the faith to the children our Lord has entrusted to us. We’re teaching them from a context of grace and love and support and respect and encouragement. We’re attending to the material and emotional needs of our children. And we’re showing them what it means to live a full life in Christ Jesus, as genuine disciples of the Savior, with all the loving instruction, enlightening, warning, and disciplining that goes along with that.  It’s a serious commitment at Legacy; not a casual obligation or an afterthought. The Christian training of our children is not attained by irregular and isolated efforts, but by regular and unceasing repetition in meaningful relationship, as commanded by our God through Moses:  

“These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” ~Deuteronomy 6:6-7 PassingTheBatonMay our Father bless us as we pass on the faith to our children. And may we experience the thrill of the Apostle John who rejoiced in the knowledge that his “children are walking in the truth.” 

Peace,   Allan 

1 Comment

  1. Rob's Dad

    The following only applies to the boys yet we don’t go far enough in “…showing them what it means to live a full life in Christ Jesus…”. There is emphasis on the things that apply to boys and girls yet we miss on the things that are just for boys to take them on the road to manhood. If we were to walk through the classrooms, what type of pictures of Jesus would we find? I’d set the line at images of Christ as a warrior at zero.

    My screw-ups in this area are semi-well known. It would do us well to embrace Wild at Heart. We’ve got Letters from Dad (THANK YOU David) yet we miss this crucial part of the mix.


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