One of the difficulties with trying to get closer and closer to Jesus is that he is always on the move. Just when you think you’re there, right when you believe you’ve achieved nearness to Christ, he moves on you.

He jumps to be with those other people on that other side of town. Surprising.  He slides over to the homeless shelter. Didn’t see that coming. He’s eating with the registered sex offender, he’s praying with the Presbyterian, he’s laughing with the Democrat, he’s hugging the prostitute, he’s preaching at the prison, he’s helping a family of immigrants.

It’s uncomfortable. It’s unexpected. Different. New. Edgy. Scandalous. Hard.

It’s exciting. It’s exhilarating. Refreshing. Life-giving. Wonderful. Beautiful. Glorious.

It’s Gospel.

The closer you get to Jesus, the more you think like Jesus and act like Jesus, the more you’ll begin to see people and places the way Jesus sees them. The more you’ll love and serve those people and places. The more you’ll react and respond like Christ and the less you’ll care about your own reputation or status. The more you’ll let your guard down to be with the people in the places where our Lord spends his most important time. The more you’ll gladly follow Jesus “outside the city gates” where your friends would never expect you to go.

Get closer to Jesus. Keep following him closer and closer. And see if it doesn’t change everything.

