Jesus is the Lord of Life

“Eternal life is not a quantity of life that begins when we die, but a quality of life that begins when we’re born again.”

Jesus called himself the light of the world. And he made it much more than a concept when he gave sight to the blind. He called himself the bread of life. And it became much more than an abstraction when he fed the 5,000. Christ also called himself the resurrection and the life. And he makes that thought a reality by raising Lazarus, the widow’s son, and Jairus’ daughter. But those ideas realize their fullest meaning in the ultimate defeat of the forces of sin and death in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

However, it’s critical for us as children of God and followers of Christ to understand that our hope is not anchored merely in the far future resurrection at the Last Day, but to a present experience with Jesus. There is something in Christ that exceeds for us the promises we have at Judgement Day. Jesus brings a present reality to victory over death.

And we ought to live like it.

Paul writes in Ephesians 1:18-21 that the power that brought Jesus out of the tomb is the same power we possess “not only in the present age but also in the one to come.”

Yes, life is ours beyond the grave. Yes, if we belong to Christ, we will not suffer death in eternity. But let’s grab hold of the promise that we can enjoy that eternal life right now. We don’t have to wait until the end of human time and history in order to claim the power of Jesus and realize the fullness of everything our God has planned for us today.



1 Comment

  1. John

    Man you are really getting after it, 3 articles in three days. Keep up the good work.

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