We believe God is pushing us to make a more significant Gospel impact here locally in Amarillo. What God has blessed us to do so successfully with foreign missions, we believe he wants us to do here in this city, right here where he’s brought us all together. For the next two years, beginning February 19, we want to put some teeth in our vision and put some more meat on the bones of our mission.
First, we want to enhance the Christian ministry we’re already doing in and through our own facilities. Our church building is a mission outpost in our NEIGHBORHOOD. Our campus gets used every day by those doing Gospel work in our city and by those who do not yet know Christ. We need to upgrade our facilities, make needed repairs and improvements, and building a Neighborhood Center so those works can impact more people in our immediate area.
Second, we want to partner with local organizations who are laser-focused and highly effective at meeting the physical and spiritual needs of people in our CITY. Our goal is to intensify our ministry relationships with Martha’s Home, Bivins Elementary, Gratitude House, CareNet, and The PARC (Panhandle Adult Rebuilding Center) — more resources, more volunteers, more time and energy with the right groups who are making a big difference in Amarillo.
Third, we want to bring our foreign missions efforts under the umbrella of the overall vision of Central. Not a separate priority, not a different value, but an equal part of God’s plan to work in and through our church for the sake of the WORLD.
We believe God will work in us and through us to make this next bold step in our church vision a Gospel reality. And we’re convinced that the best way to accomplish the financial element is with what we’re calling One Fund.
For two years our current giving and all additional giving will go into a single fund from which all church expenses will be paid. This enables us to simplify our giving and reminds us that we are one church, serving one God, living out his one vision for us and the whole world.
We’re asking our church family to pledge to give $9.6-million dollars over the next two years to fund the Ignite Initiative.
For more information about Ignite, I would ask you to click here. The daily prayer guide is here and on the Central church app. To see the video we showed our whole church yesterday click here. It’s also on Facebook and YouTube.
We can’t out-dream our God. We can’t out-give our Lord or out-vision or out-mission God. But we can strive with every fiber of our being to give ourselves fully to his beautiful vision and his glorious mission to shine light into darkness and bring his salvation to Amarillo and to the ends of the earth!
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