“Let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” ~1 John 4:7-8

God is love and we are not. We are selfish creatures. We think first and most about ourselves. It’s wired into us to behave like this. We’re human. It’s natural. We’re born this way. Think about it. You never have to teach a young child how to be selfish or greedy or to want his own way.

Our God knows this about us. He knows our tendencies as humans to look out first for our own needs and desires. That’s why God commands us to love.

Our God is not shy about demanding that we love. He’s not subtle, either. Scripture never one time backs down anywhere from the insistence that we love Because it is grounded in the very nature of our God who IS love.

God is love. That means God’s will is love. His character is love. His motivation for every action is love. His very names as he reveals it to us throughout the Bible is abounding love.

To do something other than love is to do something other than God’s will. And against God’s name. To say or do something unloving, to write or forward anything that’s unloving, about anybody in any context in any format, is ungodly.

Because God is love.

