Our group touched down safely in Amarillo at 1:00 this afternoon, glad to be home, grateful for the blessings of the trip to Israel, forever transformed by our time together in the Holy Land. It’s been more than 40-hours since any of us were in a bed — sleeping on a plane is worse than terrible. And I’m doing my best right now to stay awake until 10:00 or so tonight in order to get my body and brain back on Texas time.
I’m so grateful to Bill Humble, Ted and Becky Liles, Anton Farah, and everybody at Fowler Tours in Dallas and Guiding Star in Jerusalem for putting together such an outstanding trip. Every part of every day was smooth, really smooth. We got to visit sites and see things that most American tourists don’t. And I believe we were all transformed by God’s Spirit. Our Father revealed himself to us in extraordinary ways in Israel. And we’re all closer to him and much closer to one another for having experienced it together.
I’m planning on doing it again in three years. Start saving your money now for 2017.
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