GoliathStormOur family travel plans to DFW and OKC have changed a bit. Instead of leaving after church tomorrow, we’re leaving as soon as Whitney gets off work, at about 9:30 tonight, and heading down to Arlington. With winter storm Goliath a mere three or four hours away, we’re getting out while we can. Every church in the Texas panhandle has canceled Bible classes and worship assemblies tomorrow, including Central, and the predictions are calling for some roads and highways being closed in all directions. The winds are already gusting at over 50 miles per hour and the temperature is dropping. I hate leaving when the exciting weather is just now getting here. We’re going to miss potentially the third or fourth largest single snowfall in the history of Amarillo and all the craziness that goes with it. But we’ve got two Christmases and a wedding waiting for us down state. We gotta go.

Have everything dug out for us when we get back.

