There’s a passage in the middle of Romans 8 that tells us where we are, what we are called to do, and how things are going to turn out. This feels very important to me. These eleven verses tell us what’s happening right now, where we are, what’s going on around us; what we’re called to do about it and with it and through it; and what’s going to happen because of it, where all this is heading, how it shakes out in the end.

Today, you might not know any of these things for sure. You may be confused or unsettled about all three of these things.

Where Are We?
Man, you tell me! Vaccine-preventable diseases are on a disturbing rise. The number of polio and measles cases makes it feel like we’re living in 1924. We keep hearing about this inevitable economic depression that’s going to feel like the 1930s. The racial violence and injustice and protests feel like the 1960s. And the extreme reactions to all of it–the judging and labeling and the division and hate–feels like we’re headed for a Civil War like the 1860s. We’re so divided in this country that Republicans would rather side with Russia than with Democrats and Democrats would rather side with Hamas than Republicans. And the lies from the people in charge and the willingness, and even eagerness, to believe all the lies, makes it feel like we’re in a George Orwell novel or a Mad Max movie. It feels like chaos, like everybody’s lost their ever-lovin’ minds.

What Are We Supposed To Do?
I have no idea! Should I post on Facebook or Instagram? Or re-tweet something? Are you kidding me? You’re taking your life into your own hands if you try to do or say anything at all! Whatever I do won’t be enough, it won’t be woke, or it will be woke, or it’ll be misunderstood or taken out of context. I don’t need that! Well, we’ve got to vote for the right guy and the right party. Really? Somebody once said that if voting could change anything, they’d make it illegal. Yes, somebody needs to do something, but I don’t know who and I don’t know what.

How Is This Going to Play Out?
Nobody knows! The experts change their minds every seven minutes. Nobody can agree on anything. There’s no conversation. No compromise. It feels like nothing is grounded in fact or truth or science or history anymore–it’s all made up. It’s all gut. It’s all emotional. So there’s no predicting any of it.

We need a word from God. We desperately need the truth of God’s Word to tell us where we are, what we’re called to do, and how it’s going to work out. We need that clarity and confidence.

I suggest Romans 8:18-28.

I’m going to write about this here for the next three days, using words from the very middle of this most important chapter that sits right at the center of the most theologically profound book in the Bible. And I will suggest we use these holy words inspired by the Spirit of God as our lens. We look through this to make our decisions, we use this to guide our choices and to guard our emotions and inform the way we feel. This is the base–the way we think and talk, the things we do, the ways we act–all of it needs to be grounded in this. I feel deeply convicted that these are God’s Words to his children today regarding where we are, what we’re called to do, and how it’s going to go.

Please read these eleven verses. Then check back tomorrow.

