It’s the first day of school for our youngest daughter, Carley, as she begins her Senior Year at Oklahoma Christian University. This is Carley outside her third floor on campus apartment holding her dog, Siggy. Or, I should say, barely holding her dog; this picture must have been taken one second before she dropped the poor animal. The first day of school pic always showed our girls with their new lunch boxes and back packs, surrounded by dozens of WalMart bags containing spiral notebooks, crayons, pens, and boxes of Kleenex. Now, it’s just Carley and her dog.

I was late singing “School Bells” to her this morning. Terribly late – I didn’t get to her until she was having dinner with her friends. After I told her this was her last first day of school, she reminded me that she’s going to earn her Master’s Degree and so will be starting another school year in 2022. Well, this is the last first day of school I’m paying for. I think.

We love you, Carley. Good luck with your studies and with Theta, with your new job at the golf course, and with all you’re wanting to accomplish. We hope you have a really terrific last year at OC.

