Sunday’s Coming

We’re beginning a church-wide Bible class series at Central this Sunday based on “Renewing God’s People: A Concise History of Churches of Christ.” You Bible class teachers and leaders, if you’re looking for a little humor to kick things off, just copy and paste:



  1. Rob's Dad

    not that I am attending but what perspective will this study be from? Will it be the insider view, the new member or the interested outsider?

    As a concise history, will it stay away from the social, political and economic events that were occuring?

    This isn’t a hard count.

  2. Allan

    I think I’d like to debrief and discuss the study in this space a couple of days each week as we go through it together over the next three months at Central. I was planning to post some introductory thoughts on this blog on Thursday or Friday. But the blizzard gave me a short week and I’m in East Texas now on our annual Four Horsemen Advance.

    Let me just say that this study is intended to, in the words of Doug Foster to our teachers and class leaders last weekend, raise our “historical spiritual consciousness.” So, yes, the study covers all the social, political, and economic events that have shaped and continue to shape us and our particular faith tradition. My hope for this series is three fold: for us as a Church of Christ congregation to 1) gain a truer understanding of the vision of those who founded our movement; 2) see where and how and why our movement strayed so far from thouse founding ideals; and 3) discern whether those original ideas were/are important for a group seeking to serve our God and, if they are, figure out how we get back to that founding vision.

    It should be a lot of fun. We ought to learn a lot about ourselves in the process. And we’re going to be challenged.

    I can’t wait. Check back Monday.

  3. Jocelyn

    That comic made me laugh out loud! I’m home from church this morning with the boys due to a stomach bug… it was well appreciated 🙂

    I’m really looking forward to reading your posts on this topic. Since I’ve only been a church of Christ member for about 6 years, I have a lot to learn.

  4. Fred

    How can anything about the Churches of Christ be concise? It was written by a preacher right?

  5. Allan


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