We have six slots available for our every-other-year sight-seeing trip to Israel May 10-21, 2022. To maximize this once-in-a-lifetime experience, we always cap our groups at 30 people, and we’re almost there. The next six to send in the $400 deposit will have their spots reserved and the trip will be closed.

This next trip, my fourth to host / lead and my fifth overall, is already booked by really great people from both Amarillo and Midland, from both the Central and GCR Churches of Christ. And there’s still room for you to jump in.

By the time May rolls around, it will have been four years since our last trip to the Holy Lands – thank you, COVID. But our local guide, Anton, is lined up and all our usual sites and experiences are still on the docket. Here’s the link to the brochure and registration. If you have any questions, please contact me or the good people at Fowler Tours in Dallas.

