“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes.” ~Psalm 113:7-8
Holy Scripture gives us a pretty clear picture of what our God is doing in this world. From Genesis to Revelation, we the motif of changing places. Switching roles. The rich and powerful being brought down and the poor and weak being raised up. God is turning things upside down.
The way the world is right now — all the power structures, all the people in charge; all the people in the streets, all the oppressed; the people without a care in the world, the people trapped in hopeless cycles of despair — our God is working to totally flip it around. He’s working even now toward a great big ultimate opposite day.
What a joy to partner with our God yesterday and personally participate in his great program of everlasting reversal! When yesterday began, there were 77 orphaned children at our Alara school in Kenya who were not sponsored. Following a call for pledges, which included a threat from me to keep preaching until we had all 77 commitments and a well-timed video from our own Jake Reeves with an emotional “Happy Mother’s Day” at the end, our church family responded in gratitude and with godly grace and love to commit to those 77 children and more.
All four of the sign-up booths were jam packed with people clamoring to register for one of these orphaned students. More than ninety pledges were received! We actually have a waiting list now!
Praise God; to him belongs all the glory. Every single student at our Alara school will now receive adequate food and clothing, supplies and an education, protection and provision because of this mighty demonstration of generosity. Those children now have hope. Because of these monthly gifts, those kids believe they, too, will be lifted from the ashes to sit in places of honor.
Thank you, Central. I really do belong to a pretty great church. You are faithful. You always come through. Always.
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