Pleasing to God

“Offer your bodies as a sacrifice, living and holy and pleasing to God — this is your spiritual act of worship.” ~Romans 12:1

Have you ever worked for somebody who was never satisfied with your efforts? You could never make this boss happy? It didn’t matter how many hours you worked or how hard you labored or how much you produced, he was not going to be pleased? Maybe you’ve been (or are) married to someone who is never pleased with you. Nothing you do makes her/him happy. Or maybe you have grumpy parents. You never received a blessing from your dad. You never lived up to your mother’s expectations.

Paul says that when we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, it is pleasing to God. Pleasing To God

And that is so wonderful.

God wants us to have a terrific freedom in our relationships with him. How comforting and liberating it is to know that he’s pleased with us! He’s proud of us! The things we try — even the things we try and fail — make our God happy. It has nothing at all to do with our ability to be pleasing. It’s not on us or on the things we’re doing to please God. In fact, it’s just the opposite. God has freed us to do pleasing things by telling us that we are pleasing to him.

God’s love is such a fantastic motivater.

When we know that who we are and what we do is acceptable and pleasing to God, we don’t have to waste a lot of time and energy trying to prove ourselves. And we won’t be paralyzed by fear and doubt. We won’t be constantly looking over our shoulders.

What happens if I start this ministry? What happens if I teach this class? What happens if I reach out to this person in my community? What happens if I begin a new program at church? What if I really mess it up? What if I say the wrong thing? What if I upset God?


Stop it!

God’s not looking at your actions, he’s looking at your heart. He’s looking at your offering.

Go do it! And God bless you! He’s gonna love it!

You are pleasing to him.

You are pleasing to him.

You are pleasing to him.




  1. Rob's Dad

    I like Randy Harris’ card game analogy – when God is our partner and we play the wrong card, He can make it work out.

    Maybe things will be better in Boston…

  2. Allan

    Maybe things will be better against Detroit…

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