Of Cranes and Beams…

BeamsArriveThe 90-foot steel beams rolled in from Sherman at about 10:30 this morning and they were both in place on the north and south sides of our new worship center by 2:00. This first group of pictures below are of the first beam being lifted and then lowered into place by the larger-than-life crane and secured by workers on the north side. As always, click on the photo for the full size:

Beam#1 Beam#1Again Crane&Beam ViewFromNorth NorthSide WelderWelding

These are pictures of the second beam being installed on the south side:

BeamTwo BeamTwoAgain CraneFromSouth

And while the huge crane was a huge hit around here today, our favorite crain is always right here:



  1. Larry of Lewisville

    Wow! That looks bigger than Jerry World!

  2. Kipi

    Go Jackie!

  3. dbyrnes

    I love the picture titled ‘Welder Welding.’ It’s like one of the 12 redneck days of Christmas.

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