We’ve spent our Sunday mornings in October following Jesus on his last missionary journey from Galilee to Jerusalem. We’ve carefully observed Jesus as he makes his way from where his ministry began, through the unfriendly territories of Samaria, to the place of his ministry’s ultimate fulfillment. We’ve watched him interact with the marginalized and helpless, we’ve listened to him teach about the Kingdom of God, we’ve seen him heal the sick, and we’ve heard him tell inspirational stories about the salvation invitation that’s extended to all.
As we’ve watched Jesus interact with people and handle circumstances and explain things on this trip, we’re learning how to think and behave on our own evangelistic travels in the mission fields of Amarillo and Brazil, here in the panhandle and in Africa and India.
The goal this Sunday — tomorrow!!! — is $250,000 to fund and expand current and brand new foreign missions efforts, for the sake of the world. We’re going to consider together the last parable Jesus tells before he enters Jerusalem, the story of the king’s money and his servants in Luke 19:11:27. We’re going to sing songs of praise, we’re going to eat and drink together around our Lord’s Table, we’re going to applaud our little children as they give what they’ve saved up all month, and we’re going to congratulate our teenagers for the enthusiastic and creative ways they’ve engaged the mission. Then, we’re going to participate together — all of us, in the presence of God, in the name of our Lord Jesus, and by the power of his Holy Spirit — in blowing this Missions Sunday goal right out of the water!
As a church family we’ve studied and preached, prayed and sung about it. We’ve done the math. We’ve read brochures and pamphlets, purchased cookies and bracelets, and studied pledge cards. We’ve heard from Great Cities Missions, Christian Relief Fund, and Key to the Kingdom. We’ve watched videos and learned new songs. We’ve been inspired by our missionaries and challenged by our elders.
And now, for the sake of the world, it’s time to give.
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