We should be reminded that not everybody was amazed when Jesus performed miracles. The crowds and religious leaders and a lot of the people following Jesus around didn’t always cheer when somebody got healed. When Jesus spits in the dirt and heals a blind man, it leads to an official investigation: depositions, court orders, arrest warrants. When the authorities asked the healed man’s parents to testify, they threw their son under the bus. And then he got thrown out of the synagogue.

Why would Jesus’ miracles make some people mad?

Remember, Jesus’ miracles were not proofs of his Messiah-ship. They were not intended to lead people to faith. If they were, then many of his miracles were miserable failures. A lot of them led to mean accusations, stubborn denials, and murder plots.

Jesus’ miracles are “signs.” They are pointing us toward something bigger, something beyond, something eternal. They show us that we are not in control of who gets healed and who doesn’t, who will respond to the love of God and who won’t. God in Christ is fixing things back to their original pre-sin condition, whether religious people approve of it or not.

Wasn’t it that lack of control that ticked off the church people?

The religious leaders wanted to decide who got healed and on what day of the week. Jesus never asked them first if it was OK. He just caused the lame to walk, the deaf to hear, and the blind to see. He just raised folks from the dead. Those who were amazed praised the God of Israel. Those who were enraged conspired to control our Lord by killing him.

Jesus’ miracles were an exertion of the power and authority of God over the power and authority of sin and Satan and death. And, um… humans. Even religious humans. We’re good with that, right?

