It Is God Who Works In Us

“It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose…” ~Philippians 2:13

283 baptisms since moving to Mid-Cities Blvd. in 2001; 15 already in 2009!

$488,000 given for local and foreign missions in the past 13 months!

760 men, women, and children serving others in Small Groups Church!

22 Give Away Days meeting the physical and spiritual needs of untold thousands!

2 local elementary schools receiving tutoring, financial aid, and Christ’s love!

1 designation as the flagship church for Lifeline Chaplaincy in Tarrant County!

1 watershed partnership with Continent of Great Cities for Hispanic outreach!

God who works in usOn this 50th Anniversary weekend for the Legacy Church of Christ — as we look at all the old pictures, as we tell and re-tell all the old stories, as we reflect on what’s been accomplished here since 1959 — it’s best that we remember every bit of it is the result of God’s work in us. This is the truth. It’s a deeply humbling truth that should give us great pause when considering the many good things done here in the name of our Savior. It’s not you and it’s not me. It’s not us. It is God who works in us. It is God who is shaping our wills, renewing our minds, and transforming us into his image according to his good purpose.

And what is his good purpose? What is his will? All these good works? Heaven? What’s the point while we’re here on this earth? What is God’s purpose for the years I have left here?

“…so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe.” ~Philippians 2:15

Happy Birthday to this family of believers at Legacy! Here’s to another 50 years of grateful response to the love and grace of our God in Christ Jesus!



1 Comment

  1. David and Olivia Nelson

    Great! What a blessing to be able to look back at what God has done through this group of His body over the last 50 years! We are grateful to be a part of this next 50 years with you, living for Him and praising Him for His work in and through us as His children.

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