I Need A Logo!

Someone said I should be more assertive. Here goes:

I’m Serious!!!Allright, readers. I give and I give and I give. Day after day I slave over this keyboard doing everything in my power to encourage you, to provoke you to meaningful thought, to entertain you, to make you laugh, to build you up as we walk together in the footsteps of our Savior. I give and I give and I give. And what do I ask in return? Have I ever asked for anything from you?

I need a logo.

You think I’m kidding. I’m not.

Design a logo for The Kingdom, The Kids, And The Cowboys College Football Top 20 Poll this weekend. Get it to me before Monday.

I mean it.

Click on the green “KK&C Top 20” tab at the top of this page for more info.

Dude, I’m serious.



  1. Rob's Dad

    Even though i’m not in the poll, you truly deserve a really good logo. I’m thinking something with a bit of a retro feel – maybe an old pic of Jim Thorpe or the Heisman. You could always go with a football (it was the pro’s but seeing those NFL films zero in on “The Duke” logo was always cool). A diagram of a single-wing might be a little too esoteric.

    You have also been known to tuck your tongue in your cheek so maybe a picture of Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown?

    I’ll keep working on it. You deserve something good (honest).


  2. Jenn

    You just said “Dude” on your blog…you must be serious!!

  3. Allan

    I’m not necessarily looking for anything that might reflect an era before the advent of the forward pass. But I do like the retro imagery. Right now I have one entry. It’s the front-runner, by virtue of being the only-runner. Whatever I get this w/end, I’ll put up there for a popular vote on Monday.

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