His Glorious Riches

“My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” ~Philippians 4:19

I suppose in every single church family in America — maybe the world, but definitely America — there are naysayers. There are people who say it can’t be done. There are others who say it shouldn’t be done. They rarely smile or compliment. They see a negative behind every action. They detect a problem behind every word. They perceive a wrong motive or a false agenda behind every move that’s made.

And I sometimes take that personally. I sometimes try too hard and spend too much time and energy trying to soothe the feelings of this one-percent who are never happy and don’t act like they want to be happy. Sometimes those negative things bog me down. Sometimes they weigh on me. They burden me. Too much, I’m afraid, most of the time.

I suppose, unfortunately, that will always be the case.

And then yesterdays happen.

Yesterday. Wow.

You know, you pray and pray that prayer that Terry Rush teaches: “God, please just do that thing you do.” And God answers in amazing ways that prove he’s already doing that thing he does, he’s been doing it every day since the beginning of time, and he’s going to keep doing it until time ceases to tick.

$251,318 generously given to fund our local and foreign missions budget for 2009, far surpassing our set goal of $200,000. Unprecedented at this place. Two years in a row, now, we’ve blown our goal out of the water.

1,067 men, women, and children came together to praise God and encourage one another. Largest crowd since August. So much energy. So much excitement.

Robert and Angela Brooks gave their lives to our Lord by being baptized into his death, burial, and resurrection. Two hearts convicted by the love of God. Two lives changed — re-created — right before our eyes. An answer to so many prayers.

Six more families placed their membership with Legacy: 15 total newcomers to bless our church family, to impact our dynamic, to serve and sacrifice with us, together, as we work in the Kingdom.

A cross-cultural communion service at our Master’s table. Christ as our gracious host. Two peoples. Two cultures. Two languages. United in salvation through the blood of Jesus.

Nearly 600 shared dinner together Sunday night, worshiped together, and encouraged our LTC participants together. Loud. Chaotic. Tons of smiles. Lots of laughter. Tables and tables of food. Fellowship. Sharing. Koinonia.

Another $383.50 given for the Academy at Carrie F. Thomas, reaching our stated goal of $6,000 to purchase much-needed document cameras for this under-funded elementary school in our community.

All of this within a nine-hour time frame yesterday at Legacy. Undeniable proof that our God is alive and working with his people. Indisputable testimony to our God’s faithfulness to his children. Crystal clear evidence that his Holy Spirit is transforming his Church.

As blessings pile on top of blessings we are increasingly convinced that our Father is keeping his covenant promises to Legacy and to all of his creation.  It’s increasingly obvious that our God is blessing Legacy and planning to bless all of North East Tarrant County and every corner of this globe through this body of believers.

The ministers and staff and every last one of our shepherds and everybody who stopped by the church building today are still riding the wave of energy and enthusiasm and blessing generated by our God’s clear actions with his people here yesterday.

And we intend to ride it for quite some time.

I certainly do. 

I intend to smile at the naysayers and love them and hug them and do my Christ-like best to develop relationships with them. But I will not be deterred. We won’t be slowed down. I can point to yesterday and I can point to a dozen things that happen in the life of this congregation every single day. Every day! Stuff like yesterday is happening all around this place. In our Small Groups. In our Morning Prayers. In our Bible studies. In our lunches together. In our conversations in the parking lot. In hospital rooms and high school gyms. In your kitchen and in my office.

God is doing that thing he does at Legacy!

“To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” ~Philippians 4:20




  1. Wray

    So wonderfully put Allan. I have been thinking since that evening service Sunday how to put the joy I felt over seeing our church family do so much good and I do not think you could have put it any better. Thank you again for being our messenger and leading the way for us and the naysayers. You truly have been a good example for all of us to follow.

  2. DavidW

    What a great Day! I’ll relate another blessing that I saw Sunday morning. Our children’s Bible Classes have been saving up to give to the Missions effort. All classes, from little ones to 6th grade, were staged in the foyer, waiting for their cue to come out.

    Well, it was getting pretty noisy, and I went back to the foyer to see if I could help out. But once I was back in the foyer, what amazed me was, not the excited kids, but the faithfulness of our teachers.

    In one room, I saw teen teachers and ancient saints, folks who have been with our body for years and those who have just plugged in. Each one, giving their time and energy. They were physically and spiritually shepherding our kids!!

    I’m so thankful for the hearts and arms and laps of our teachers.

  3. David and Olivia Nelson

    We, across the ocean, are still giving thanks to God for what He has done through His people at Legacy, particularly last Sunday. You all had a full day filled with His blessings!!! What an amazing day and triumph for our Lord!

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