Happy Anniversary!

Dearest Carrie-Anne,

Things are so crazy right now. Between the demands of our Christian ministry, your new school schedule, and the girls, it seems we have less and less time just to be together. And relaxed. But, darling, you must know that you are at the very center of everything in my life. You are the one who gives me strength and confidence to be my very best. You are the source of the love and emotional support that get me through these hectic days. You’re always a part of everything I am and everything I do.

As the years go on — and they seem to be picking up steam! — I’m more and more grateful to our God for bringing us together. Getting married on Thanksgiving weekend, more than the hassles it causes with family and holiday plans, makes more and more sense every year. Because I am so thankful that you said “yes” to me when I asked you. I’m so thankful for your forgiveness, your patience, your support, and your precious love.

Nineteen years ago today you gave me a second chance. You said “yes.”

Thank you.


KK&C Top 20 Logo 

November 25, 2008

It must be that everyone’s trying to cram a full week’s worth of work into two-and-a-half days or they’re still in shock from Saturday night’s huge letdown, but we’re working with the lowest pollster turnout in the history of “The KK&C Top 20″ college football poll. Only ten panelists weighed in for this week’s rankings, which naturally led to tighter gaps between teams and three-ties. Alabama jumps back into the #1 spot with seven of the first place votes following Texas Tech’s nationally-televised humiliation in Norman. A total of three votes separates Texas, Florida, and OU in the next spots, followed by USC to wrap up the top five. The Red Raiders fall to #6.

Looking ahead to this weekend’s rivalry games, the contest that holds the most interest for our pollsters is the Longhorns-Aggies tilt in Austin. This will be the last chance for Texas to beat anybody 52-10 to force Larry T to throw an end-of-the-season party for all the “KK&C Top 20″ participants. Hook ‘em!

LSU, the defending national champs, finally fell out of the poll after their loss to Ole Miss. Florida State’s back in. Click here to get to this week’s poll, all the comments, and pollster profiles. Or, as always, click on the green “KK&C Top 20” tab in the upper right hand corner of this page. Enjoy.


Prentice Meador, the long time preacher at the Prestoncrest Church in Dallas, passed away early this morning in Nashville after a sudden, and still unexplained, I think, illness this past weekend. Prentice had recently moved to Tennessee to work with David Lipscomb University. The last time I saw him was three years ago at a men’s weekend at the Westover Hills Church in Austin. We took about 20 guys from our Marble Falls congregation and were strengthened and encouraged—inspired!—by Prentice. God’s Kingdom is bigger and stronger on earth today because of Prentice. A great warrior for Christ. A wonderful gospel preacher. Well done, good and faithful servant.




  1. Rob's Dad

    Like me, you married above yourself. Wait, does that mean we have another thing in common? Next thing, you’ll be turning the AM dial to 1310…

  2. Allan

    You’ll find a million other things we have in common—I’d say pigs maybe flying out of our ears—before that happens.

  3. Rob's Dad

    As the fake Tiger would say, “Maybe not”

  4. Jesse

    Carrie-Anne is such a blessing to you, and you are all in my regular prayers.

    This world will miss Prentice Meador, dearly.

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