Great Power For Us Who Believe

“…far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.” ~Ephesians 1:21

Because Jesus is Lord, because he is King, because he is above all for ever more, we do not lose hope over any temporary, earthly setbacks. Those things, we understand, only contribute more to that ultimate victory for our Savior and the Kingdom.

Any failings, any struggles, any dark valleys, all of our temporary trials just make the victory of our Lord and Savior that much more magnificent. It makes it that much more huge. It gives us that much more confidence and joy!

Our attitude is, “You can’t do anything to me. The world can’t do anything to me. The world can’t do anything to us because we belong to the resurrected and exalted King!”

Jesus is Lord.

He is Lord over all the nations. He is Lord over all our schools. He is Lord over all the churches. He is Lord over every economic system. He is Lord over every form of government. He is Lord over your street and your family and your career. He is Lord! He is Lord over your greatest thrills and your darkest fears. He is Lord over all! There is nothing that is above him. There is nothing not under his authority and control. No situation, no circumstance, no power, no bully, no disease, no layoff, no relationship, no nothing. You name it! Name anything! There’s nothing over our Christ. There’s nothing too big or too strong for him to control. There’s nothing too small or insignificant for him to be concerned about. The Scriptures say all rule, all authority, all power, all dominion! And every title that can possibly be given, now, today, in this present age, and in the age to come for ever and ever. Amen!

And that’s great news! It’s wonderful news! It’s earth-shattering, history-changing, mind-blowing good news for us who believe. Because our Holy Scriptures make it very clear that his incomparably great power is for us. It belongs to us and to all who believe. Resurrection power. Exaltation power. Holy Spirit power.

That power is in you.

It’s in you giving you the courage to defend someone being picked on or insulted or attacked. It’s in you giving you the strength to endure one more chemotherapy treatment, one more day without a job, or a spouse. It’s in you — this great Resurrection power — giving you the boldness to say you’re not going to that party this weekend because you know what’s probably going to happen. It’s in you, empowering you to teach, to give aid, to encourage, to make peace, to sacrifice and serve and love. It enables you to live like our King, to live with our King, to live in our King; to live the fullness of this new life.

“I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.” ~Ephesians 1:18-19a



1 Comment

  1. David and Olivia Nelson

    Amen… Praise God!!!

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