The Church is not perfect. Maybe you’ve noticed.

God’s Church is made up of imperfect people living in an imperfect world and acting in imperfect ways. We’re not perfect.

But we are faithful. You, my friend, are faithful.

Somebody reading this post has had to forgive a spouse in the past few days. At some point this week or last, you’ve had to forgive your spouse for some imperfect word or deed. Maybe you struggled to do that. Maybe you still don’t feel really good about what your husband or wife did or said that required your forgiveness. Maybe it’s been really difficult. But you made the decision to remain faithful to that spouse. You made the choice. You did what was right. You acted to honor the covenant.

Most of you reading this article today have had to make a tough choice (or two) already this week on personal fidelity to Christ. You had to make a decision to be faithful to God in worship. Faithful in service. Faithful in sacrifice. Faithful in relationship. Faithful to our Lord in word and deed. Not because it felt so good at the time, perhaps. Not because it necessarily was the popular thing to do. But because it was the right thing to do. You acted to honor the covenant.

God’s faithfulness to us knows no limits. He is faithful to his promises to us even when we are faithless toward him. He goes all the way to the cross to prove that fidelity to his holy Word. And in order for us to reflect that facet of his eternal glory, we are to be faithful in our commitments, faithful to our word, faithful to one another. Nothing should come between us and following through on the things we’ve started. Even when it’s hard. Even when we don’t feel like it.

That’s the mind of Christ. That’s “Christ formed in you.” That’s the “hope of glory.”

