Core Scripture

Our elders and ministers here at Central have carefully and prayerfully selected ten passages of Scripture we believe are core passages, foundational words that are intended by God to shape us. These are Bible passages that speak to the nature of our God and his work for us in Jesus Christ. They declare the truth of the Gospel. They remind us how to live in light of that Good News. They help us keep The Story straight.

And they form us.

These are formational passages that, when they get inside us, when they become a part of who we are, will shape us more into the image of God’s Son.

We’re going to read these passages each Sunday, week after week. We want to hear them again and again when we’re together. We want these verses to be familiar, to be highly valued, to be embedded deep into our souls.

We’re not going to be afraid of repetition; in fact, we’re going to embrace it. We want to be shaped into a certain kind of people. Forming Gospel habits works. Repetition works. Here are the passages:

Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Philippians 2:1-11
1 John 4:7-12
Mark 8:34-38
Exodus 34:5-7b
Colossians 3:12-15
Romans 8:28, 31b-35, 37-39
Revelation 21:1-7
Micah 6:6-8
Ephesians 3:14-21

May God bless the reading of his Word.




  1. Howard

    Oops, you forgot Acts 2: 38

  2. Allan

    And Ephesians 5:19.
    We should probably re-think this whole list.

  3. Howard

    It will never be complete without James 2: 17

  4. Allan

    OK, now we’ve got a bit going here: Tried and True Proof Texts for Doctrinally Sound Churches of Christ.
    I’ll submit Hebrews 11:25.

  5. Howard

    One cannot be doctrinally sound without authority. 2 Timothy 3: 16-17

  6. Allan

    Ah, yes! The CofC proof text that’s used to defend all proof texting — well played.

    I’m not sure how we got this far without throwing in Romans 16:16. For as long as I can remember, the front of the bulletin at Pleasant Grove CofC was adorned with “The Churches of Christ salute you!”

  7. Howard

    Phil 2: 12

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