Austin Graduate School of Theology has launched a brand new blog this week called “Christian Studies,” borrowed from the title of the excellent theological journal the AGST staff has published annually for more than thirty years. I have included on this page a permanent link to the blog, just to the right and down a bit, in the “links” list. Or, you can access the new blog by clicking here. And you should check it out. Read it. Right now. Here’s why:
1) My incredibly talented brother, Dr. Keith Stanglin, is the editor for the blog. He’s also the editor for the “Christian Studies” journal. You can be assured that the content will be excellent, accurate, timely, and practical for your own study, for your Bible class or church, and for those theological conversations you’re having with people at work or with family members during the holidays.
2) My wonderfully gifted brother, Dr. Keith Stanglin, is the author of the first post on this new blog. This initial post serves as an introduction to his latest book, The Reformation to the Modern Church: A Reader in Christian Theology. Keith has compiled 113 primary source documents from the past 700 years of God’s Church, ranging from Erasmus and Ignatius to Zwingli and Barth. Today’s post contains the introduction to Keith’s recent work, links to a really favorable review, links to his Amazon author page, and links that take you directly to a spot where you can purchase the book for your own library.
3) There are pictures of Keith on the blog post and on his Amazon author page. You can check him out and wonder why, at ten years younger than me, he has so much less hair.
The new Christian Studies blog will be updated at least weekly with articles and posts by the brilliant professors and staff at Austin Grad. It’ll all be workable. Accessible. These are not ivory tower guys. Their motto is “Scholarship for the church.” And it is.
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