We rolled out plans yesterday for a comprehensive vision and direction for our church at Golf Course Road. We are newly committed to creating an atmosphere here and fostering a culture in which we pay closer attention to what God is doing in us and through us. The plan includes sending one hundred of our members on short term mission trips over the next two years, significant partnerships with five local organizations that are doing important Gospel work in our city, a renewed emphasis on Christian practices that keep us tuned in to God’s work in our lives, new small groups dedicated to transformation and mission, adopting and supporting three new church plants, and every member of our church family giving two hours per month in sacrificial service for others.
As a church, we’ve been in a holding pattern for a while. We’ve been close… but it just hasn’t happened for a while. We’ve been waiting. But now is the time for our Breakthrough.
We want to be a church, we want to be a people, who are committed to change – holy change in ourselves and salvation change in the world. We want to know that God in Christ is doing incredible things in us and magnificent things through us. And we want to pay better attention to those things, we want to more faithfully expect those things and praise God for those things, and jump into and participate in those things with everything we’ve got.
To whom much is given, much is required. This church on Golf Course Road has been and is so blessed by God – money, wealth, resources, people, relationships, creativity, energy, connections. God did not build his church here, he did not bring his people together here, just so we could worship and enjoy fellowship and this city not be changed!
Yesterday marked the beginning of a brand new chapter in the ongoing story of God’s presence and power with his saved and called people at GCR. As we enter this new and exciting season of worship and prayer and planning and ministry together, may we lean fully into the faithfulness of our God, the love of our Lord Jesus, and the equipping power of the Holy Spirit.
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