The goal was to give four-million-dollars to jump start our vision and mission at the GCR Church. Four-million-dollars over the next two years would fund our Gospel work with our five local missions partners, adopt three new church plants, send one hundred of our church members on mission trips, remodel our worship center, restructure our adult Bible classes, start twelve new small groups, and host a dozen Christian Practices retreats. The goal was four-million-dollars. We prayerfully and worshipfully expected God to provide four-million-dollars.

Turns out, God thinks we can do more than we think we can.

By the grace of God, the generosity of the GCR Church resulted in an outpouring of more than six-million-dollars yesterday to fund our ambitious vision. The cash and pledges that were offered yesterday totaled more than $6.1-million dollars, and the number is growing by the hour with every check that’s delivered to the church offices today and every pledge that’s made online.


Yesterday’s Breakthrough results are the culmination of many things: a lot of hard work by a great ministry team, congregational confidence in the leadership of our church and the vision from our God, and the amazing grace of our merciful Lord. Our God is moving among us. God was ready for this church to take this step, he is ready for us to move on this. God’s timing was and is perfect with this in so many ways. I’m convinced he was always going to do this again with Golf Course Road, and I feel blessed by God and privileged by him to be in the middle of it with our church family together. All of us at GCR should feel very favored by the Lord to be in the situation we’re in together.

We are a ten talent church. We’re in the upper tier in the amount of gifts, money, resources, and blessings we have received from our Father. And that comes with serious responsibilities to God and to his mission. He’s given us ten talents, and he expects us to use them. That’s a heavy burden to consider and a tremendous opportunity to undertake with no fear and great faith.

Praise the Lord for days like yesterday and the obvious outpouring of his grace on us. May his will be done in and through his people at GCR just as it is in heaven.

