“Just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life!” ~Romans 6:4
If we understand that resurrection and eternal life with the Father is what awaits us when we die and that, until then, Christ’s resurrection Spirit is what gives us power, that will radically impact the way we live. We have no problem risking our reputations, our popularity, our well being, even our very lives. A resurrection community is bold. Risky. No fear. We know that the salvation of the world and the salvation of our community is in the loving and powerful hands of the same God who brought our Lord out of the grave. So we can do crazy things, outrageous things, in practicing and living the resurrection every day.
Resurrection boldness is what compels us to give $353,000 in one day to help spread the good news around the globe. Resurrection boldness is what pushes us to work and worship with the Baptists and Methodists and Presbyterians for the sake of our city. Resurrection boldness is what prompts us to buy an apartment complex across the street that we don’t know what to do with yet except that the truth and the experience of the Resurrection assures us that God is not going to let it go to waste.
Resurrection boldness causes us to cancel Bible classes so we can bake cookies and build birdhouses for the children of our neighborhood, to bring Franklin Graham to Amarillo, and to build a beautiful chapel during the Depression.
Resurrection boldness motivates us to build when others might tear down, to stand up when others might sit, and to go when everybody else may want to stay. It’s why Elaine goes to Kenya, why Tim goes to Martha’s Home, why Brett goes to India, why Patrick is leadingĀ Bible class, why Daniel and Alisha keep fighting and why Cadence and Erin and Doug got baptized today!
Don’t tell me we can’t or we shouldn’t, because they killed Jesus, they killed him dead, and they put his dead body inĀ a grave, and on the third day our God brought him back to life to reign with all power and authority at his right hand forever. Don’t tell me we can’t; the Resurrection says we have to! And our resurrection community at Central will not stop being bold, we will not stop taking risks, because our Savior lives and his resurrection spirit is in us!
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