Better Safe Than Sorry

“Better safe than sorry” is probably a good philosophy if you’re a sky-diver or you make your living dismantling bombs. When wiring a house or feeding a lion or crossing a busy street, “better safe than sorry” makes perfect sense.

But “better safe than sorry” is no way to live in relationship with God and with God’s people. Unless we’re all very clear with exactly what it means to act “safely” according to God’s economy.

When we discuss divorce and remarriage or worship practices or church structures or any other “hot button” issue or topic, “better safe than sorry” usually means everybody freeze! Nobody do anything! Everybody step back! And then we draw lines and develop boundaries and devise rules and make judgments. Our philosophy dictates that we be triple-extra careful not to offend God’s holy will and risk being condemned to hell.

Acting “safely,” according to our heavenly Father, means giving more grace and mercy, not writing more rules and regulations. It means more acceptance and less judgment. It means forgiveness and compassion, not lines and boundaries. If you want to be “better safe than sorry” with God, you’ll exercise more patience and understanding with your Christian brothers and sisters and do away with all prejudice and pride. Being “safe” with God means showing more love to the people you meet in the world and less attitude.

It means being like our Christ.

Making up more rules is something else entirely.



1 Comment

  1. Fred

    It’s been a while since I’ve check you blog site and even longer since I left a post. Amen & amen again to your post.
    I hope all is well with you, Carrie-Anne and your girls.

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