“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways

and my thoughts than your thoughts.”   ~Isaiah 55:8-9

In preparing for this Sunday’s sermon on God’s absolutely free gift of salvation as demonstrated in the miraculous cleansing of Naaman in 2 Kings 5, I came across this thought from Chuck Swindoll on the above passage from Isaiah 55.

“As long as you have breath in your lungs, the Lord will surprise you with his ways. He is infintely creative and inexhaustibly resourceful. His ways don’t conform to our way of thinking, and we make him less when we expect that they should. Furthermore, his plan is much higher than ours. His goal is not to bring us down, but to lift us up. Contrary to popular opinion, he has no desire to bury us, but to raise us for his use and his glory.”

It’s at the very moment I have finally figured it out that God lets me know clearly I haven’t. Everytime. He gives me so much more than I could possibly ask or imagine. And that blows me away. He works mightily in and through the smallest and most insignificant of things to touch hearts and change lives. And that knocks my socks off.

I don’t have anything figured out.

My trust is in my God. My faith is in him to deliver. He’s rescued me. And he’s working in me and through me (speaking of small and insignificant things). I believe in him. He has a plan to reconcile all things back to him. He has it all figured out. Every bit of it. Perfectly.

I’m not driving any of it.

As a new preacher friend of mine told me this week, “I’m just hanging on to the back of the boat, trying not to wipe out in front of everybody.”

