A To Z

I got tagged again by one James Lawrence Gardner. So, here we go: my life from A to Z.

A. Attached or Single? Attached Attached

B. Best Friend? Carrie-Anne Stanglin, 19 years BestFriend

C. Cake or Pie? Pie, banana cream or coconut

D. Day of Choice? Sunday, the day Jesus came out of the tomb and the day his followers come together to celebrate

E. Essential Item? The 30-seconds forward button on the DVR remote, next to air-conditioning, the second greatest invention in the history of mankind

F. Flavor of Ice-Cream? Blue Bell Cookies and Cream IceCream

G. Gummy Bears or Worms? Neither. I think it’s a texture thing. Hometown

H. Hometown? Dallas, Texas

I. Indulgences? Whoppers and Lay’s Kettle Cooked Jalapeno Chips, my only vices Indulgence

J. January or July? July Kids

K. Kids? Whitney, 15; Valerie, 11; Carley, 8

L. Last Movie I Saw In A Theater? Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull IndyJones

M. Middle Name? Wayne

N. Number of Siblings? Two sisters, Rhonda and Sharon; one brother, Keith

O. Oranges or Apples? Oranges

P. Phobia or Fear? Singing “One Day More” in our VBS musical

Q. Quote? Prayer does not prepare us for greater works; prayer IS the greater work ~ E. M. Bounds Quote

R. Reason to Smile? Almost every interaction with my kids ReasonToSmile

S. Season? Football FavoriteSeason

T. Tag Four More? David Byrnes, Jennifer Green, Jill W, Jason Skelton

U. Unknown Fact About Me? My football number in Junior High was “42.” I requested “41” to be like Charlie Waters, but they didn’t have it. So I wound up with “42” CharlieWaters

V. Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? Oppressor

W. Worst Habit? All of my time management issues

X. X-Rays or Ultra-Sounds? I’m not sure what that means; X-rays, I guess

Y. Your Favorite Food? Buffalo Chicken Strips at Cheddar’s

Z. Zodiac? Scorpio


  1. dbyrnes

    NO WAY! You and Jerry can’t have the same middle name.

  2. Jill

    Well, it took a long while, but it’s finally in black and white! A long blogging break definitely added to the delay. Thanks for the tag ~ next time it won’t take so long!

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