A Banner Beginning

What an amazing day of worship and praise and communion and fellowship with the Body of Christ that meets here at Central! What great energy and enthusiasm among the more than 800 disciples of Jesus in the building! The singing to our Lord was inspired. The words and prayers from our shepherds were challenging and convicting. The example of our Savior to live our lives as huge billboards proclaiming the glory of our God is motivating and encouraging. I certainly felt like God was present in every handshake, every hug, every pat on the back. More than 500 of us Sweatin’ to the Oldies together in the chapel last night and then trying to cool off with Levi’s green chili ice cream is something I thoroughly enjoyed and will never forget. What a marvelous day and great beginning to our ministry together.

What a blessing to pray together with my shepherds and ministers in the chapel early yesterday morning. What a joy to be joined by Paul and John. What an honor to have Paul and Andrea, John and Suzanne, and Darryn and Cindy and Camryn and Ryan here with us Saturday night and Sunday. What a blessing to see Gerald and Joice Ball in the crowd! To have ten people here with us from Legacy means the world to me. What great friends. What true devotion. What awkwardness when Darryn writes on his nametag “Legacy Search Committee.” And wears it all day.

The work here at Central is great, the call from our God in this place is clear, and the challenge is real. Yet, I am filled with a tremendous deal of confidence and courage, realizing that this is bigger than me, bigger than us, bigger than just the Central Church of Christ. God has huge plans for us. He is working in mighty ways to impact our panhandle communities for his Kingdom.

I want to thank every single person who has encouraged me with a text, an email, or a voice message over the past 48 hours. I received 25 texts of prayers and well wishes in a 90-minute window early yesterday morning. And it hasn’t slowed down much since. Thank you. Every one of you have played and are playing a role in shaping me and encouraging me and pushing me to be God’s servant and a servant of his Kingdom.

God bless us. And may his holy will be done here at Central and throughout this world just as it is in heaven.




  1. Rob's Dad

    lighten up on Pope. Remember that bits are fun.

  2. dbyrnes

    Are you kidding? A month in Amarillo and you’ve already forgotten what he’s capable of (and willing to do)? I’d be thankful he stopped at the nametag.

  3. Darryn

    It wasn’t a bit.

  4. JCB

    I checked into the restraining order, but it appears to have been a bit.

  5. Rob's Dad

    “It’s fun to do bad things”

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