To Legacy

My family and I will always listen for God’s voice. We will always follow his way. We will always answer his call. Through prayer and study and meditation and reflection and conversation, we will always be receptive to our Father’s leading.

Over the past several months it has become very clear to me that I cannot remain as the preaching minister at the Legacy Church of Christ. God has made it evident in some very surprising ways and in some ways that have been building for quite some time. So, again, after many weeks and months of difficult discernment, we have made the hard decision to leave our family at Legacy.

At the same time, our faithful Father has opened a door of tremendous opportunity for us in Amarillo. I have accepted the role of preaching minister at the Central Church of Christ and will begin my work there in September. Central is a downtown church with a downtown mindset, determined to reach its downtown community with the love of our Savior. They are driven by the mission to take Jesus to all peoples, all cultures, all languages, all tax brackets. That church seems to be defined by sacrificial service to others in the name of Jesus. They are committed to the arduous task of making their congregation reflect the Gospel nature of the all-inclusive table of our Lord. And most of you reading this blog know how attractive that is to me.

Of course, we leave Legacy with a great deal of sadness. My heart is heavy. I’ll forever be indebted to Legacy for showing such a tremendous faith in our God in bringing me here in the first place. Five years ago, you had absolutely no reason to have any faith in me. Your faith was obviously in our Father. And I thank you. You have nurtured me. You have supported me, encouraged me, and walked with me. You’ve shown great patience with me. And understanding. You’ve helped me.  Since day one, you’ve lovingly embraced my whole family. There are hundreds of you who have touched Carrie-Anne and me and our girls in profound and eternal ways. I have never felt for one minute that I was not loved at Legacy. We love you, too. A bunch.

Now, this is not the end of the world for me or for Legacy. It’s not like I’m leaving ministry. I’m not going back into radio. We are all still involved together in the great work of the Kingdom of our God. We still belong to the same Church of God. We’re still on the same board, working for the same mission and goals; I’m just moving to a different square.

As for Legacy, I’m convinced that this is the right move. I did not establish this church. And neither did you. This church was cruising along for almost fifty years before I got here and it’ll be just fine for fifty or five-hundred years after I’m gone. God established this congregation and he put it right here on Mid-Cities Boulevard for his specific purposes. He placed Legacy right where it is to be a light to this community. He placed it here so people in Northeast Tarrant County will find forgiveness and mercy and grace and love. He put Legacy right here in order to reach the lost, in order to comfort and bless and save. I firmly believe that our Father already knows the next Legacy preacher. This guy is a devoted man of God. And he will, by God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, take Legacy to places I wouldn’t be able to. My prayer is that, with this man, my brothers and sisters here will embrace God’s vision and identify God’s holy mission for Legacy and jump into it with everything you’ve got. And turn everything rightside up for Christ.

I’m leaving Saturday for a four-day speaking engagement at the Northside Church in Benton, Arkansas where my great friend Jim Gardner preaches. So I won’t be here this Sunday. My shepherds here at Legacy have graciously allowed me a last opportunity to preach here at Legacy on July 24. I wanted the final chance to encourage you, to bless you, to affirm my great love for you, and to remind you of God’s marvelous plans for you.

You and each of your families and the entire Legacy family are in my constant prayers. Please keep us in yours.

May our God’s will be done at Legacy just as it is in heaven.

I love you,



  1. Jenn

    Moving and deciding to change courses is never easy….knowing God is there to lead you with His hand is the best, though.
    Love y’all and thankful for the time we spent with you. I sent you an email to y’alls home account.
    Peace, brother. Can’t wait to visit Amarillo! 🙂

  2. Jocelyn Boyer

    I don’t think you know this, but we placed membership at Legacy the month you started as preaching minister. So, we don’t really know Legacy with out you. We were out of town to visit family this weekend, so missed the announcement and were very surprised to find out. We will really miss you and are sad you and your sweet family is moving. However, we know that God has wonderful things planned both here and in Amarillo (they better be aware of how lucky they are to get you!). Thank you for everything you have done for our family and the church. We will be praying for you and Legacy during this transition as always and have hope that all the good things you started will not be left incomplete. As you said, God will do great things through this.
    You will love west Texas, it is a special place.
    Love and blessings, The Boyers (Philip, Jocelyn, Levi & Joel)

  3. Dbyrnes

    Despite the hurt, despite the circumstances, “Yet I rejoice in the Lord”.
    I rejoice in the full knowledge that God has used you to bring so many of us closer to Him. You are my brother and my friend and for that I rejoice. I love you and your family and will greatly miss you all.
    Rejoice – even when everything stinketh.


  4. Ken B.

    There’s a long list of things you’ve done and said to thank you for but most of all thanks for always trying to keep the focus of the Legacy family on Jesus. I know that hasn’t always been easy to do, but I’ll always be grateful.


  5. Bruce Tidmore

    We have been praying for you and your family for a year, we just didn’t know it was you. We are excited for September to arrive.
    Central members Bruce & Celia Tidmore

  6. Stephanie Frost

    We love you. We appreciate you. We will greatly miss you.
    You poured your heart and soul into your work at Legacy. You challenged us to get outside of ourselves and seek God’s will. You made us uncomfortable. You allowed God to use you. That takes guts. I pray that same courage and selflessness for our leadership. Thank you for your leadership and your friendship. May God greatly bless you and your family for your faithfulness.

    In Christ,

  7. Doug Deere

    God’s will be done in all things!! That has been my constant mindset since last Sunday. It is my prayer that His love and grace will be increased many fold by your decision. I know that I am at a loss (beyond words), but I am assured that His will is always done whether we can see it or not. I love you, little brother, and your family! I have enjoyed the times we have spent together, both in fun, and in struggles. Love you!

  8. Fred McMeans

    I have send you a letter to your church email address. Hope you get it. Love you all and will miss you. I intended to append this verse but forgot.

    I Cor 15:58

  9. James Prather

    I know that God will use you for His glory in ways you have not even imagined yet. Keep up the good work, keep fighting the good fight. Love you, brother.


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