Vacation Bible School began today at Central with the simple and powerful theme of “Shine!” Yes, there are strobe lights and glitter and sparklers all over the worship center today and a giant disco ball hanging over the stage; everything is pointing the kids to the idea of “Shine!” It reminds me of a Stephen Curtis Chapman song, See the Glory. It’s a song about being fully awake to life in Christ, fully alive to what God is doing all around us. One of the stanzas, I think, really captures the idea that sometimes we’re just kind of sleepwalking through life:
I’m playing Gameboy standing in the middle of the Grand Canyon;
I’m eating candy sittin’ at the gourmet feast;
I’m wading in a puddle when I could be swimming in the ocean.
Tell me, what’s the deal with me?
(I know the time has come for me to)
Wake up and see the glory!
Of course, the apostle Paul said it first: “Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you!” (Ephesians 5:14)
Open your eyes. Pay attention. Don’t be lulled to sleep by the monotony of the sameness in your daily life. Don’t be distracted by the noise and activity and flashing lights of the world. God is fixing things. God is restoring things. God is re-creating everything to his eternal praise and glory. Including you!
Pray today that he will open your eyes and show you clearly what he’s doing right under your nose. And then jump in!
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