“…that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one.” ~John 17:21-22
Jesus shows us the intimacy and the character of the relationship that exists between the Father and the Son. We clearly see the unity–the community–that marks their very nature. That oneness is then given to us. Jesus says, “I’m giving them the glory that they may be one like us. I’m giving them the power of your name that they be one just like us. I’m living inside them by the Holy Spirit that they may be one just like us.”
We’ve been given a oneness with God and with everybody God has saved. As his children, this unity is our new nature. This is who we are: One with Christ and one with his followers everywhere. What that means is that there is very little, if anything, outside of denying Jesus as Lord in word or deed, that can separate us. If that’s the case–it is!– then our diversity and differences aren’t just tolerated, they’re embraced and appreciated. Even celebrated.
To borrow our Lord’s words, the time has come!
The time has come for us to live into that Christian unity in visible ways that speak to our lost and dying world. The time has come for our “4 Midland” partnership with First Baptist, First Methodist, First Presbyterian, and GCR Church of Christ. The time has come to make every effort with each other in these other churches. The time has come to love one another, to serve one another, and build one another up. The time has come to bear one another’s burdens, to submit to one another, and encourage one another. The time has come for us to defend and protect one another, to speak well of one another, to give the benefit of the doubt to one another, to worship God and serve alongside one another that the world may believe.
Jesus says if two or three of you will agree on anything, I’ll show up just to see that. And I believe he will. I believe he is.
This 4 Midland thing we’re doing with the other churches is only going to get bigger and more important. It’s not just three worship nights and a service project every year. It’s very much about Christian evangelism. It’s about expressing Christian unity in ways that will convict the world of the power and love of God.
All four of our churches are coming together this evening at First Baptist for our first 4 Midland Thanksgiving service. We’re combining our choirs and worship teams and we’re going to praise God and pray and sing and experience and express our togetherness in Christ.
As part of this great day, all four churches are swapping preachers this morning. I’m preaching both services at First Baptist today and Steve Brooks, my brother from First Methodist is preaching at GCR. Darin Wood is preaching at First Presbyterian and Steve Schorr is preaching at First Methodist.
It’s going to be weird. I’ve spent my whole preaching life just making sure on Sundays we get out on time to beat the Baptists. Today, I’m going to be with the Baptists!
Next year, either late spring or first thing in the summer, we’re all going to serve this city together. We don’t know what yet, or how. But all four of our churches are going to come together to work side by side to serve the people of our city in the name and manner of Jesus. We want to cooperate more, we want to share more, we want to express our Christian unity more, to let Midland know that this is for real. To show Midland that, through Christ Jesus our King, the world is changing. People are being transformed. Hearts are melting. Barriers are being destroyed. Walls are coming down. The devil is defeated. And the Kingdom of God is here!
Jesus prays, Father, may they be one. May they all–all the followers, all the believers, all the disciples–until you send me back to finally and ultimately establish your eternal Kingdom on earth, may they all be brought to complete unity so the world will sit up and take notice. So the world will say, oh, my word, he IS the Son of God. He IS the promised Prince of Peace. And he really does transcend all our differences. And then the world will give you, Father, all the glory and praise right now today and forever and ever. Amen.
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