I Believe

LegacyAtTheBallparkI’ll begin today with just a few random thoughts from Saturday’s Legacy family night at the Rangers-Blue Jays game. We left as soon as the green dot crossed home plate in the middle of the 6th inning because 1) we were freezing, 2) the Rangers were getting pounded, and 3) Valerie and Carley didn’t need another single bite of cotton candy. So, we were only there for 5-1/2 innings. But that was plenty of time to make memories:

~Lindsey’s fake baby, her tussle with security over the fake baby, and Jalayna’s uncomfortable obsession with the fake baby.

~David asking Cori if he can borrow two bucks.

~Watching the temperature drop on the Starbucks portion of the outfield scoreboard.

~Learning that David asked Shanna to marry him while in the drive-thru line at Arby’s.

~Those huge bags, as big as king sized pillows, of cotton candy.

~Mark shaming all of us by finding the hot chocolate vendor for Debbie.

~Comparing church names on the scoreboard and realizing that “Church on the Move” and “Little Hope Baptist” can’t begin to compete with “Smokin’ For Jesus!”

We ate for the cycle and then called it a night.

ThirdDayThe draw for the Rangers game (other than the Rangers and a rare chance outside of a hockey arena to hear the Canadian national anthem) was the Third Day concert. The Christian band played for a little over an hour before the game. And I must say, not having heard any of their stuff before Saturday, it was a pretty nice concert. I really enjoyed it. I especially liked the last song they played. I think it’s simply called “Creed.” It sounds very Nicene-ish and Church Fathers-ish. But I loved it.

I’ll share the lyrics with you here. Then I’ve gotta go.    ThirdDayGuitar

I believe in God the Father,
Almighty Maker of heaven and Maker of earth,
and in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate.
He was crucified and dead and buried.

And I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am
I did not make it; no, it is making me.
It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man.

I believe that he who suffered was crucified, buried, and dead.
And on the third day, he rose again.
He ascended into heaven where he sits at God’s mighty right hand.
I believe that he’s returning
to judge the quick and the dead of the sons of men.


I believe in God the Father,
Almighty Maker of heaven and Maker of earth,
and in Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son, our Lord.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
one holy Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sin.
I believe in the resurrection.
I believe in a life that never ends.


Third Day was good. And I loved that “Creed” song. But I’m sticking to Audio Adrenaline as my favorite Christian band. I like the energy and little harder edge of what Audio Adrenaline brings. I listen to Audio Adrenaline’s “Strong” at 7:30 every single Sunday morning. I’ll share those lyrics with you tomorrow.



1 Comment

  1. dbyrnes

    Good? I’ll give you some leeway. I’d probably say the same about AudioA since I’ve never really listened to them. Buy the CD “Come Together” and if you don’t like it I’ll buy it from you for two dollars and a bag of horsey sauce.

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