We all know that some Bible passages are more important than others.

Oh! Scandalous! What did he say?!

No, you can’t freak out about that.

But all Scripture is the same!

No, it’s not. Not all the verses in the Bible are on the same level. It’s not flat. And we know this. It’s not controversial. We all know this about Scripture.

Our Lord Jesus taught us this. He pointed us to what he calls the weightier matters, the parts of Scripture that are closest to the heart and will of the Father. He clearly believed and taught that some biblical commands are more important than others–he ranked them!

Plus, think about our own experiences within our churches. You probably spend a lot more time in the Gospels than in Haggai. You likely have more Bible classes on Exodus and Acts than you do in Jude. And you don’t think you’re preacher is bad because he hasn’t preached through 2 Thessalonians or Nahum. We all know and practice the fact that some Scripture is more important than others.

So how do we get those Scriptures inside us? How do we make the most important sections of the Bible part of who we are?

Our shepherds and ministers worked together for two months last fall to identify what we are calling our “Core Scriptures.” There are ten of them–the nature of God, his character and his mission, how we’re saved and why, how we treat others, where all this is headed–and we’re going to read one of them every single Sunday during our morning worship assembly. Over and over again, a different core Scripture every week. Regardless of the day’s sermon, the season of the year, or the theme for the week, we’re going to read the next core Scripture. And when we read the tenth one ten Sundays from now, we’re going to start all over at the top of the list and keep going. We’re not going to be afraid of repetition; we’re going to embrace it, because we think it’s critical that we get these foundational, essential passages inside us.

We believe these passages can change us. We believe if we’ll view the whole Bible through the lens of these key verses, we’ll be better interpreters. We believe we’ll have a more perfect understanding of the heart and will of our God and that it’ll lead to more Christ-likeness for our whole congregation.

Here are GCR’s ten “Core Scriptures:”

Matthew 22:37-40
1 John 4:7-12
Romans 8:28, 31b-35, 37-39
Matthew 28:18-20
Exodus 34:5-7a
Ephesians 2:4-10
Colossians 3:12-15
Philippians 2:1-11
Micah 6:6-8
Revelation 21:1-7

These are the passages that just soar. These are the verses that cultivate a love and adoration for God’s Word. Through these Scriptures, we see how large and splendid and magnificent life really is as a beloved child of God, redeemed by the blood of his Son, and restored by the power of his Holy Spirit.

Instead of reading through the whole Bible this year, it might be better to dig into a few core passages and really get them inside your soul. Memorize them, meditate on them, read them and recite them out loud, pray them, journal them, make them a part of who you are. Just try it. And see if you don’t have more strength and stability and better balance. Who you are and everything you do is connected to and extends from your core.

