3,228 People, One God

“Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.” ~Colossians 4:5

JorgeOur God brought 571 families through the doors here at Legacy Saturday during our 23rd annual Give Away Day. 3,228 men, women, and children were given clothes and socks and shoes and blankets and diapers and groceries and coats and toys. They came from all over. The Lord brought them here from Bedford and south Fort Worth, from Haltom City and Watauga, from right here in our neighborhood and from as far away as Irving. People without jobs. People without money. People without hope.

We did what we can. And we trust our God to do the rest.

We prayed in the parking lots with all of them. We prayed for broken families and broken dreams. We prayed for lost jobs and lost children. We prayed for spouses and cars and houses. We prayed for healing. We prayed for forgiveness and comfort and peace. We pointed people to Siempre Familia at Rosemont. We invited people to become a part of Legacy. We hugged. We shook hands. We cooked and served hot dogs and drinks. We laughed. And a few of us cried.

We did what we can. And we trust our God to do the rest.

We planted the seed. And our God promises to provide the growth. Even now he is working in the lives of Sofia and Gabby and Jorge and Maria and Axle. Even now he is comforting Loretta and Kimberly and Brian. Even now he is drawing these people to himself because Christ was lifted up to them.

The Legacy church family is to be commended for all the time and energy and money and hard work that went into yet another glorious Give Away Day. But above all, our God is to be glorified. He alone is to be praised for giving us the great privilege of joining him in his work and for allowing us to participate as he redeems the world.




  1. Rob's Dad

    This isn’t a hard count but in 6 words or less, what is the purpose of Give Away Day? I’ve been thinking about this since last week and I don’t know that I can provide a clear answer.

    I’ve asked this question to different people and recieved such a variety of answers that I’m not any closer to an answer.

  2. Rob's Dad

    This isn’t a hard count but in 6 words or less, what is the purpose of Give Away Day? I’ve been thinking about this since last week and I don’t know that I can provide a clear answer.

    I’ve asked this question to different people and recieved such a variety of answers that I’m not any closer to an answer.

  3. Allan

    Only six words are needed, brother: to express the love of Christ!

  4. Allan

    Only six words are needed, brother: to express the love of Christ!

  5. Rob's Dad


  6. Rob's Dad


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