Rosemont Stepping Out Big Time!

How about a one thousand member Spanish-speaking congregation in south Fort Worth?

The Rosemont Church of Christ, established in south Fort Worth back in 1952, has donated all of its building, every bit of it, lock, stock, and barrel, and everything inside to Continent of Great Cities to plant a brand new Spanish-speaking congregation. There are over 100,000 Spanish-speaking people within a four-mile radius of that building, which is also right across the street from Rosemont Park. And Continent of Great Cities is raising a spanish-speaking mission team right now to begin work there in January. Their plan is to make the Rosemont plant a pilot program that will be implemented in the cities of our country with the highest Spanish-speaking populations. Los Angeles is the top city. But our DFW area is the second, with over 30% of our population of Hispanic origin.

Praise God for the vision of the Rosemont leaders and the folks at Continent of Great Cities. What a wonderful concept: reaching out as missionaries to the people in our own neighborhoods!

We live in a mission field. You know that. And I’m glad to see others recognizing that and doing something about it. Something big. May our Lord bless their efforts. May he give us his vision so we can see things and people and situations the way he sees them. May we rejoice in the things that bring God joy. May we mourn in the things that grieve God. And may many, many of his children be reconciled to him through the love and care of the Christians in the Rosemont area.


***Legacy Construction Update***

It’s been a while since I posted pictures. (Click on each picture for the full size.) And there’s been a whole lot of activity lately. The exciting thing this week has been the installation of the steel support columns in the new worship center. And look at the size of these steel trusses. They’re all over the place.

NewSteel  SteelColumns Crane&Steel

The Youth & Benevolence Center is also coming along quite rapidly. Most of the exterior walls are up and the inside work is progressing quickly.

YellowWalls Youth&Benevolence Inside


“Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. The commandments, ‘Do not commit adultery,’ ‘Do not murder,’ ‘Do not steal,’ ‘Do not covet,’ and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.”   ~Romans 13:8-10



1 Comment

  1. Debbie


    I think your posting today and Jason’s posting yesterday compliment each other perfectly!! Instead of spending so much money on the summer mission trips just getting to where we’re going, maybe more thought could be given to mission opportunities right here at home. Just think of the good that could be done!

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