Resurrection Renewal

Resurrection Renewal - April 4-7, 2010 - Legacy Church of Christ 

This is not a lock-jawed Pacman chasing a ghost without a face. And it’s not what happens when you open up your Big Mac container and the meat has slid clean off the bun. This is a symbol of the Resurrection. This is the empty tomb of Jesus. This represents the power of the Resurrection. This symbol stands for the hope we have in the Resurrection. And we’re going to use this image to bring people to our Christ.

Our hope is to outfit the entire Legacy congregation — one thousand men, women, and children — in empty tomb T-shirts. Yesterday we took orders for 659 shirts. In less than an hour. We also saw over two-thousand empty tomb decals fly out the doors. Most of them went on our cars and trucks and the backs of our cell phones.

Sign Ups    Crowded Concourse    Texting Teens

The goal is to completely saturate our community with this symbol. We want people to see this Resurrection image everywhere. And then, after a few days, when people see the symbol on our shirts and our cars and our phones, they’ll initiate the conversation.

“Hey, what is that on your shirt? I’ve seen that around town.”

“I’ve seen that logo on a bunch of cars lately. And you’ve got it on your phone. What is that?”

Whitney    Van    Carley

And then we begin our Resurrection Conversations. We tell them that the tomb is empty. We tell them that our King is alive today and reigning at the right hand of our Father in heaven. And we tell them that because Jesus lives, death has nothing on us. And neither does sin. And then we invite them to Legacy on Easter Sunday for the start of our four-day Resurrection Renewal. Five sessions of Resurrection singing and reading and praying and preaching. Resurrection Power. Resurrection Hope. Resurrection Proof. Resurrection Mystery. Resurrection Community. Very evangelistic. Very visitor-friendly. And if we do it right, if every one of us gets involved in getting this symbol out there in our town, the people will start the discussions for us.

That’s the plan we unvieled yesterday. And I completely underestimated the response.

Putting decals on cars    TShirt Orders    At the main display

It was chaotic. It was crazy. It was hectic. It was loud. And it was wonderful and inspiring. Everyone bought in. All three exits out of our parking lots were staffed with teens putting empty tomb stickers on the backs of cars as they were leaving. Two dozen volunteers took T-shirt orders and applied decals to the phones. Before I even made it to lunch yesterday I had two text messages from two different people telling me about Resurrection Conversations they’d already had at restaurants. All day today I’ve been receiving similar messages. Chandler and Philip and Conner. All three of my own daughters. The phones have been ringing at the church offices all day today with people wanting more shirts and more stickers. The symbol is showing up on our members’ Facebook pages. Our people are tagging their email signature lines with the image. Resurrection Conversations are happening all over NorthEast Tarrant County.

Precinct Line and North Tarrant PKwy    Empty Tomb Stickers Everywhere!    Even Kent!!

And our God gets all the glory.

The Resurrection of our Savior is a big deal. And we’re giving it big deal treatment this Spring at Legacy. Like the very first believers two-thousand years ago, we’re using it to convince our community that Christ is Lord. This thing has the potential to change the mindset of our congregation. I pray we’re going to start focusing much more now on what’s happening outside our walls then on the inside. And, by God’s grace and the power of his Spirit, this thing could quite possibly turn our town upside down for the Kingdom.

Chevron at Davis & Starnes  Hwy 26 in Grapevine  QT at Davis and Mid-Cities

I’ll keep posting pictures here as more of these things roll in. Resurrection Renewal - April 4-7, 2010 - Legacy Church of Christ




  1. Rob's Dad

    I’m not sure that I’m on board with this. It feels like more style over substance. That being said, I appreciate the effort to change things up. I agree with your point about focusing more on what goes on outside the walls than on the inside.

  2. jason reeves

    Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.

    What a fantastic, relevant way to communicate Christ.

    Glory to God!


  3. Holly

    I saw this sticker on a car this past week in Cades Cove in Tennessee. I had to do a double take almost because I haven’t seen anything like it, but I love it! I’ve been googling this to see if I can find one! Can I buy one somewhere?

  4. Allan

  5. Holly

    Thank you!

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