Greetings from Abilene

Getting ready to begin our last day at the ACU Lectureship (Summit, sorry). Not enough time to write about all the friends, the great speakers, the encouragement, the Spirit-led worship, the fellowship, the challenge, the encouragement, the study, the conversations, and encouragement.

Did I mention the encouragement?

Legacy kids at ACU; good looking group!

Had lunch at Rosa’s here yesterday with a bunch of our Legacy kids who are going to school here at ACU. Hello from Payton, Travis, Ashley, Haley, Shannon, and Mackenzie! Man, I see great potential in these guys. God-ordained potential. His creative genius at work right now in them. Just in the brief conversations we had over tacos and enchiladas, I perceived that they’re growing in our Lord. They, too, are being challenged and provoked and stretched. They’re reading Claiborne. They’re being forced to read Claiborne.

I wish I could force people to read Claiborne.

I’m about a third of the way through Shane Claiborne’s book, Jesus for President. Claiborne’s speaking in Moody Coliseum today at 3:00. And then Eddie Sharp tonight. This might be the best of the four days here.

The Rangers’ magic number is 6. Still.I’m a little worried about our Rangers. Ceej stops the skid tonight.



1 Comment

  1. Rob's Dad

    Rob came home from his first semester and told me I had to read Claiborne. POWERFUL. Looks like I’ve got another book to add to my list.

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