Christian unity is a big deal to our Lord Jesus. At the end of his beautiful prayer recorded in John 17, on the last night before his sacrificial death, Jesus prays for the unity of all future disciples. He asks the Father to give all future followers, all future Christians, the same unity that he and the Father share. This unity, this oneness, Jesus says, is a critical component for world evangelism.

“…so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” ~John 17:21
“…to let the world know that you sent me.” ~John 17:23

Our badge of discipleship is not baptism. The world doesn’t know we’re disciples and that Jesus really is the Savior of the world because we’ve been baptized. And the world isn’t convinced by our doctrines or worship practices, either. The world doesn’t really care about those things at all. Jesus says the world will be changed when we show them our unity.

It’s important to know that Christian unity is not something for which we have to work. Christian unity is a gift from God to receive. It’s not something we create; we don’t cause Christian unity. It’s already been given to us; it’s already the eternal reality. It’s just a matter of whether we recognize it or not, whether we choose to live into it or not.

“I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one.” ~John 17:22

It’s a gift. Ephesians 4:3-6 makes it very plain. It doesn’t say make every effort to create the unity. It’s not make every effort to cause the unity or bring about the unity. It’s “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit.” Make every effort to acknowledge and guard and practice the unity of the Spirit. Because there is one body and one Spirit. Not there needs to be or there should be–it’s there is! It’s already done!

There is one body and one Spirit, there is one hope and one Lord. There are many expressions of the faith, but just one faith. Guard it. Maintain it. Keep it. There are different expressions of baptism, but only one baptism. Not just one expression of Church–there are many expressions–but there is only one Church. And one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all!

That’s the reality. It’s the same blood of our Lord Jesus Christ that courses through our spiritual veins. It’s the same one Holy Spirit who lives inside all Christians. We’re all related to all Christians. It’s already a done deal.

Through the Spirit, we have been given by God an eternal unity that encompasses the Father with the Son, all disciples of Jesus with them both, and all Christians, in turn, with one another. It’s not anything we have to create. It’s what God has already given us. Unity with all Christians is a gift from God. The only question is whether or not you’re going to accept it.


The Dallas Cowboys are the only professional sports team in the United States without a home win in 2024. Look it up. NFL, MLB, NHL, and NBA–every single team has won a game at home except for Jerry’s Team. Look for that to continue tonight against C.J. Stroud, Joe Mixon, and the Houston Texans. The Cowboys have not scored a touchdown at AT&T Stadium in 57 days. During their current four game losing streak, Dallas has been outscored 138-60. I don’t think this will be an explosive blowout like the past five games in Arlington in which the Cowboy have given up at least 21-points before halftime and trailed by three scores. But the losing streak should continue. And whatever has been ailing the Texans in November should get fixed.

