What Does God Want To Do?

VisionI know what you want to do at your church. Your shepherds know what they want to do. Your preacher also has some great ideas. The leaders at your church attend seminars and retreats, they plan and they pray, they know what their vision is.


But what does God want to do with your church? What do you think God sees at your church for the next 20, 30, or even 50 years? What’s his vision? When God “calls things that are not as though they are,” what is he seeing for your congregation?

Well…what would be really huge? What would seem nearly impossible?

How about a Body of Believers that really reflects the message of the Gospel? A church that brings together and unites all colors, all social classes, all economic groups, all ethnic peoples in one congregation? Impossible?

How about a church that has a 24-hour presence of people praying and ministering at your local hospital? How about a church that operates a 24-hour soup kitchen or homeless shelter? How about a church that establishes congregations at apartment complexes? More than we can ask or imagine?

How about a church that holds annual revivals and baptizes hundreds? How about a church that offers free oil changes in the parking lot every month? How about a church that buys TV time or sponsors a community-wide dodgeball tournament to raise money for an at-risk school or sends Christian missionaries to every nation on the planet?

Is that too big? It it too much? Is it outside the box?

Good! Because those are exactly the kinds of areas where our God really likes to operate!

We can’t out-think our God. We can’t over-shoot him. We can’t out-imagine, out-dream, or out-vision our mighty and sovereign Lord.

Just try.




  1. payton giacomarro

    luke 1:37

    God has a plan for all of us, and i love the direction that we are going at church. sometimes we have to get back to the basics of what our faith is supposed to be and what God has in mind for us. sometimes we complain and argue with each other about the little things, but if we can get back to the true purpose of christianity and all live together within the plan God has set we can do anything. love your thoughts brother. have a great day.

  2. Caleb Courtney

    amen payton!

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