Hey, thanks for hanging in there with us. Things went completely weird with the blog a little over a week ago. My patient and gentle web guy, John, was moving the blog to a different and better server for a variety of reasons, and things went totally foul. I believe we’re almost where we need to be for me to begin posting daily (almost) again.
The family and I are headed down to Marble Falls tomorrow to spend the weekend with some of our dearest friends. The church there is celebrating a huge homecoming / anniversary / ribbon-cutting weekend at their brand new building. And they’ve invited back every Tom, Dick, and Larry who’s ever worshiped there. I’m honored to be directing our thoughts at the Lord’s Supper Sunday morning and bringing the message at our post-lunch devotional. There’s a huge open house Saturday afternoon, a Saturday night cookout at Dan & Jennifer’s palace, thousands of pictures and stories, and lots of love. I just hope there’s not a Game Seven to get in the way.
Check back soon. I’m spending most of today trying to get everything straightened out on this site.
Go, Rangers!
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