To Central

I can’t adequately express to you the excitement we’re experiencing, nor the tremendous anticipation we’re feeling, for what our God has in store for us together. There’s no doubt in our minds that our Lord has brought us together at this time for very specific reasons. And we really can’t wait to join you in doing his work and his will together in Amarillo.

We’re so thankful for the faith and confidence you’ve placed in me and my family to represent our Lord and his Church at Central. That blessing and responsibility are not lost on us. It is sacred to us. We respect it. We cherish. And we’re going to keep it. This is so much bigger than all of us. We know that anything and everything that happens through me or through us together at Central is only our God using us to his glory and to the glory of his Kingdom.

Thank you so much for the warm welcome you’re already giving us. By 2:00 Sunday afternoon, I already had more than 30 emails and voice mails and text messages from our new family at Central, more than half of them from people we haven’t even met yet. And the encouragement and offers of assistance and friendly ‘hellos’ keep coming in. We can feel the excitement up there all the way down here. And it gives us great hope while we dwell among all these moving boxes and sad goodbyes. Each trip up there, every person we’ve met, has been a great blessing to us. Your kindness and generosity is overwhelming. We’re so ready to meet all of you and start returning the favors. And we’re looking forward to many years of faithful service together at Central.

“I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong — that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” ~Romans 1:11-12

Be assured that each of you and your families are in our constant prayers. Please be in fervent prayer for us as we prepare to join the Central Church of Christ. May our God bless us. And may he bless our efforts to partner with him in the redemption of his world.

Your servant in the grace and truth of Christ Jesus,



  1. Casey and Kristen Cooper


    We are so excited to welcome you to Central! We look forward to having you here with us. Can’t wait to meet you! Go Cowboys!

    Casey and Kristen Cooper

  2. Brent & Gail Littlefield

    Stanglin Family,
    We have prayed for you and your family for over a year. We are so excited that you have decided to join our family. Looking forward to many years of making great memories.

    In Him,
    Brent and Gail Littlefield

  3. Jimmy & Laura Fox

    Allan and family,
    We are fairly new to Central and want to tell you – get ready to work! There is so much to do for so many people here. We love you already and can’t wait to meet each of you!
    Til all have heard,
    The Fox family

  4. Low Budget

    Way to go Allan, you will love Central and living in Amarillo, several of my cousins are members there. Give me a call before you leave town 972-465-0422

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