The Bible’s Broken Record

God loves you.

From before the beginning of time and throughout all eternity, God loves you. It’s so basic and so fundamental, it could almost go unstated. But it doesn’t. The Holy Spirit-inspired writers of Scripture state it and state it and state it and state it. Over and over and over and over again.

God is love. God is love. God is love. God is love. God is love. God is love. God is love.

It’s the Bible’s broken record that sounds like a symphony to our souls.

The one thing we need the most is the one thing our Scriptures make abundantly clear.

God loves you.

Everything we know about love and the things we don’t yet know about love begin and end with our God. The love of God is the first letter of the first word for everything we know about God. There’s nothing we can say about God or his character or his plans for us without first considering his great love. His love is unrelenting. It never quits. It never slows down. It never gives up. God’s love overcomes every obstacle and clears every hurdle. God’s love pursues us. It chases us. It’s active and working around the clock. It’s what moves God. His love is what compels him. It’s the driving force behind every single thing he does.

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” ~1 John 3:1

If God so loves the world — and he does! — that means he loves you, too. There’s nothing our God does that is not compelled by his great love for you. And there’s nothing he allows to happen to you that is not driven by his goal of living with you in eternity.



1 Comment

  1. Michelle

    1 John 3:1 is a verse that Payton enjoyed quoting after hearing you say it on Sundays. From the mouths of babes. Those young boys are listening..

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