Our hearts are full of gratitude for the thoughtful and considerate team of nurses and doctors at Texas Oncology / Allison Cancer Center here in Midland. These kind and warm professionals walked with us every step of the way during Carrie-Anne’s 16 chemotherapy treatments and took great care of us throughout the five months. Kirsten welcomed us to the infusion room on that very first Friday back in February and guided us through our first few treatments, Lindsey took care of us on our very last day, Paula and Julie were calm and compassionate caregivers in the middle months, and Gian (not pictured; slacker) was the consistent model of efficiency, source of humor, and conversation partner.
After spending four hours every Friday with these great people for five months, we feel like we know them and we love them. We know the TV shows Julie’s kids watch and we know that Julie knows all the songs. We know about Lindsey’s husband’s job and their family back in Austin. We know about Gian’s upbringing in the Philippines, his faith journey, and his “maid.” We talked together about Aerosmith and church, hockey and the economy, Friends and M*A*S*H, the Cowboys and potty-training. We compared Lindsey’s precision infusion techniques to Gian’s more, shall we say, decisive(?) methods. And we prayed together.
There is much to be thankful for. Carrie-Anne is “cancer-free,” her side effects throughout the treatments were minimal and short-lived, she has hung on to about 80% of her hair, and her infusion port is coming out this Friday afternoon. We are thankful for our God’s incredible mercy to us over this phase of our cancer journey. We are grateful to our church family at GCR — for their prayers, cards, texts, calls, meals, visits, and love. And we thank the Lord for our friends at the Allison Cancer Center. They are doing really great work. And they do it in a way that reflects the glory of our God.
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