“Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died — more than that, who was raised to life — is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.” ~Romans 8:33-34
Jesus is right now interceding for you. He is speaking up for you. He did not return to heaven to retire. He is there today speaking to the Father on your behalf. He is representing you, defending you, working for you. And he’s never lost a case.
“He is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.” ~Hebrews 7:25
The One who speaks for us has already been there. He’s already taken all the tests and passed them with flying colors. He’s aced all the exams and he has all the answers. You will never face anything in your life that our Lord hasn’t already faced and conquered. And he speaks for you today. He protects you.
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